avadavis avadavis

My Little Queer Heart and the Queer Film Alliance, pt. 1

Last night, after the panel and the group and as everyone was talking, I was telling one of our panelists, our executive director, and some new attendees why it was so important to me that out on film start something like the queer film alliance is because of two things - marginalized communities are more vulnerable to being taken advantage of, and new/green/inexperienced people are vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

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avadavis avadavis

The Waltz June Update

You see why I’m scared and nervous? It’s a massive undertaking. It feels like a tightrope. I'm scared, but I’m also cautiously optimistic, because I think in this conversation we’re all having about the strike and the future of entertainment - the future of movies and shows are in our hands. We have the means to make professional and quality movies. In fact, our team is composed of a Sundance fellow and an Emmy award winning cinematographer. Our creative team and crew are more than capable (no matter how many times we’ve been told our team is “too green”, there’s a real bias against Atlanta artists but that’s for another diatribe).

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avadavis avadavis

A Modest Proposal to SB 140 in Georgia : This is a Hostage Situation

The humanity of 48,000 Georgians are at the whim of the majority. 8,500 trans youth between the ages of 13 to 17 have had their access to life-saving, gender affirming care cut off. And the chilling fear as always is when do they stop? What is their endgame. Except, in recent CPAC speeches - their endgame is quite apparent.

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avadavis avadavis

Part One : Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat

Because it is about access and equity. Who are the other queer, trans, and nonbinary artists that will receive these grants? And I don't know who they’ve chosen; I’m sure they’ll announce soon, and I’m really hoping to see at least two queer, trans, or nonbinary artists of col

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avadavis avadavis

Waltzing Around Bottom Surgery

Sometimes I think what has happened to my life - in the best possible way. But there’s always that one thought that has to be kept at bay, a dangerous thought to entertain - what if I had just been born in the right body. The body that matched my own personal reflection. Dangerous, because once one travels down the road of what-ifs and shoulds and could-have-beens, then one sets oneself up for unhappiness. Accepting, sometimes radically, where one is at in life is the most potent antidote for traveling down those roads. Accepting what is, instead of what could have been.

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avadavis avadavis

Ain't No Shame Cuz I Gotta Get Mine ...

Yesterday I attended the premiere of WABE Studio’s latest project, “Atlanta on Film,” a series featuring Atlanta filmmakers curated by both Out on Film and Morehouse Film Festival.

And I feel like I really have no words.

I … feel the presence of the work I’ve put into the past three years. In 2019, Brandon and I declared at the top of the year we were going to make the Duchess happen. And we set out. We set out and brought together a cast, and crew, and planned, and planned some more, and raised funds to pay cast and crew, and edited and … then 2020. The pandemic. Our festival plan out the window.

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avadavis avadavis

Ever Ever After : Black Girls and Fairytales ...

As y’all may or may not know, I’ve been brought on as a producer on a short script written by Celeste Banks called Black Girls and Fairytales. If you know me you know this is my jam. This is where I live. I mean, I made myself into a duchess.

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avadavis avadavis

Vulnerable and Volatile : Prince Rupert Drops

I felt vulnerable and volatile, and that’s never a good mix as a performer, because I do believe that everyone is responsible for how one responds to a situation. And I was in this weird space of not being able to communicate what I needed, and that made me feel so many ways but I felt unsure of myself and how I would respond. Vulnerable and volatile.

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avadavis avadavis

These feel like dark times indeed …

But the extended family that is America, that I grew up and experienced on that base in the middle of the Mojave Desert, where we chased and trapped lizards and kept them in giant plastic water tubs for the allotted two or three days before we had to release them - I feel like in 2016 I found out how that extended family felt about people like me. People who were different.

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avadavis avadavis

Supply and Demand, I'm In Demand, Soon As I Land ...

Yesterday was … magical.

Yesterday, at 3 PM, at Red Light Cafe, I took the stage with 7 other brilliant women. So incredibly talented. From such a diverse array of backgrounds.

Yesterday was magical because we got up and were the 2nd of a Nationwide monologue reading, which began Friday night in Washington DC at the Arena theater. My Body, No Choice.

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avadavis avadavis

A Week of Healing ...

I stay busy, not intentionally to not process my own feelings but that is an unfortunate side effect of “doing.” And I do the initial processing. The triage. After bandaged, and sufficiently stabilized, I send them to the emotions specialists (I know I’m not the only one who imagines the mind as this department of departments.) It’s just often there’s a backlog.

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avadavis avadavis

Bottom Surgery or Become a Duchess ...

Years ago now (feels weird to say this) but years ago in therapy, right before I began the process for The Duchess short film, I remember commenting to my therapist that I could afford either The Duchess or bottom surgery. He asked why and … basically I only had enough credit for one. And then he asked why I couldn't do both at the same time and - look. Trans people don’t make a lot of money. Black indie filmmakers don’t make a lot of money. Black trans queer people don’t make a lot of money. Black trans queer filmmakers don’t make a lot of money.

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avadavis avadavis

An Actor Walks Into An Agency ...

You ever feel like the universe is talking to you, trying to tell you something but you have no idea what that message could possibly be? Here are the facts - Sept 2019 we filmed the duchess. Sept 2020, we held a virtual staged reading for the waltz, unlike anything I’d ever seen or been a part of. Sept 2021 I became a sundance fellow. And Sept 2022, I was signed to Alexander White Agency, no audition, talent recognizant.

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avadavis avadavis

“I make lists in my sleep baby, what’s my sin? “

When under stress, I retreat inward. I have a magnificently rich inner life, which I think helps make me a great writer. I’m in my head too much. I can get lost in The Sims creating houses and worlds. I can get lost in writing, and again, creating worlds. My latest retreat involves me now designing flags for the different houses of the Duchy and the Queerdom. Because we also need another escape world that doesn't involve a problematic writer with a well-known fantasy world.

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